1% for the Planet – We’re Donating Money to Protect the Environment

Future Eco Surf School is an official member of the 1 % of the Planet community.

We first heard about it many years ago in Yvon Chouinard’s book. This book was also known as conscious businesses bible – Let my People go Surfing.

The founder of the iconic Patagonia brand co-founded in 2002 a global movement.

Yvon Chouinard encouraged companies to give back 1% of sales to environmental causes: the 1% for the Planet movement.

And we stand with Chouinard’s reasoning. 

Our business profits from the resources taken from the Earth. So we need to give her back because she is seriously endangered.

Businesses such as ours need to take responsibility for the planet instead of focusing exclusively on profits. 


Nearly 2 decades ago 1 % for the Planet was created and we are more than aligned with their main reason.

They donated over $270 million to grassroots and NGOs working to protect the environment.

In addition to our sustainability strategy, we too are donating 1% of sales to environmental causes.

Together with other inspiring members, we’ll help fund several environmental organizations. So all together we can be a more powerful source in solving the planet’s challenges.

Cool, right?

You too, as an individual, can become part of 1% for the Planet and donate 1% of your salary to nonprofits.

You can do that via monetary donations and/or volunteer support.

Learn how here.