
3 handmade gift ideas to make your Christmas ECO friendly

Norbert Ferenczi
8 of December 2023
3 handmade gift ideas to make your Christmas ECO friendly

Santa Claus is coming to town but with the increase of plastic pollution and the inflation he needs to be careful about what kind of presents he puts under the Christmas tree!

Here we recommend 3 handmade gift ideas not just for Santa!

1. Bath salt

Typically a lot of bath kits and products come packaged in a ton of plastic, cellophane, and non-recyclable cardboard. The products themselves also usually contain a lot of artificial chemicals and dyes that are not actually good for your skin or the water supply chain. So instead, make your own bath salts.

You will need: Bath salt labels, Container,Coarsea seasalt,Epsom salts,Baking soda,Essentail oils, Food coloring

step1: In a large bowl, mix to combine: 6 parts coarse sea salt; 3 parts Epsom salts, to soothe tired muscles and reduce inflammation; and 1 part baking soda, to soften waters and alleviate skin irritation.

step2: Add a few drops of essential oils and combine.

step3: Add a few drops of food coloring until you achieve the desired shade. If you intend to present the bath salts as gifts, be sure to store them in a stoppered and labeled container to keep out moisture.

2. Pressed flower candles

Usually, decorated candlesticks are more of a splurge when bought in-store, but these are so simple to make that you will probably find yourself wanting to make these for every holiday.

You will need: Taper candles (white or colorful), Pressed flowers and leaves, Tea light candles, Small painbrushes

Step1: Light the tea candle and wait until the it has melted a bit. Gently dip the paintbrush into the melted wax (obviously avoid the flame!) The melted wax will act as a glue and seal the flowers on the candle. The wax dries VERY quickly so you will need to work quickly too!

Step2: Set your first flower in place.

 Step3: Dip the paintbrush in the candle and gently spread the melted wax on the flower. If you get a clump of wax on your paintbrush, simply set it in the melted wax area of the candle and it will melt away.

Step4: Press down stubborn areas of the flowers and leaves into the soft wax.

3.Christmas wreath

 Nothing says decking the halls like hanging up a festive wreath indoors or outdoors. Making a festive wreath is an easy way to repurpose foraged materials into beautiful home decor.

If you are not finding the natural materials you want outside, check a local garden nursery or craft store for a wreath that will be able to be reused year after year.

You Will need: Wire wreath frame, Scissors,Ribbon,Moss,Foliage and pine,Decorations

Step1: To begin, attach one end of the reel wire to your frame with a few twists.

Step2: Secure bundles of bunched up moss to the frame by wrapping the reel wire around them. We use moss as it gives depth to the wreath – it will also provide moisture for the foliage you’ll be adding later.

Step3: Continue adding bunches of moss until the whole frame is covered with an even distribution. Keep the reel wire attached to the wreath. Assemble small bundles of your mixed foliage and pine – it works best to keep larger bits of foliage and pine at the back of the bundle.

Step4: Lay a bundle of foliage on the wreath and secure firmly using the reel wire. Add more bundles in the same direction, overlapping with the previous one.

Step5: Continue adding bundles of leaves until the frame is evenly covered. Cut the reel wire, leaving enough to secure at the back by twisting it around itself.

Step6: Attach a ribbon by doubling it around your wreath underneath the foliage, leaving it long enough to attach to your door. It’s a good idea to hold up the wreath and look at the shape before you decide where to attach the ribbon.

Step7: Cut long lengths of reel wire to make ‘legs’ for your decorations (to attach them to the wreath). To do this, bend the wire in half . Attach with a few twists around a suitable point on your decoration. (such as the stem or around the pine cone).

 Step8: Attach the decorations at random intervals around the wreath by separating out the ‘legs’ of the wire and securing them at the back of the wreath with a few twist.

I hope we could help you out on these days with your Christmas preparations and gave you the right ideas. We wish you Happy Holidays and a more sustainable Eco Future!

