Verstehe du uns nicht falsch, wir lieben es zu surfen. Eine Welle anzupaddeln, Aufstehen und dann das unbeschreibliche Gefühl des Rutschens auf der Welle zu spüren. Wir wollen wirklich, dass auch jeder dies erlebt, aber nicht um jeden Preis.
Die natürliche Welt ist ernsthaft bedroht.
Wir sind kurz davor, den Punkt zu erreichen, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt, an denen unserer Ökosysteme für immer verloren geht.
Wir können unsere Augen nicht länger vor der Verschmutzung der Meere durch Kunststoff, dem Verschwinden von Korallen aufgrund des Klimawandels und dem Verlust von Küstengebieten durch den Anstieg des Meerspiegels verschließen.
Deshalb haben wir im 2021 einen Schritt nach vorne gemacht und einige wichtige Veränderungen in der Art und Weise vorgenommen, wie wir unser Geschäft führen und Surfen unterrichten, um den größtmöglichen Nutzen für diejenigen, die es genießen, und die geringstmögliche Umweltbelastung gewährzuleisten.
„Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die Du Dir wünschst für diese Welt.“
Mahatma Gandhi
Praia da Rocha, Portimão
1% für den Planeten
Jedes Jahr spenden wir 1% unserer Verkaufserlöse an NGOs, um ihnen zu helfen, unseren Planeten zu schützen und für eine gerechte Gesellschaft zu kämpfen.Know more
Wir bringen Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht nur das Surfen bei, sondern ermutigen sie auch, umweltfreundliche Surfmaterialien zu verwenden und die Kreisläufe der Natur durch ein spielerisches Umweltbildungsprogramm zu verstehen. Know more
Nachhaltiger Surfunterricht Wir haben alle für unserer Aktivität wesentlichen Materialien wie Surfbretter, Neoprenanzüge, Leashes, Wachs und Sonnenschutzmittel für als nachhaltiger zertifizierter Ausrüstung erneuert. Unser Ziel ist es, bis 2025 ausschließlich ökologische Surfausrüstung zu haben. Know more
Monchique Mountain, Algarve
Wir entwickeln unsere People & Planet Strategie und planen, ab 2021 klimaneutral zu werden. Know more
Wir haben einen Filter installiert, um kostenloses Wasser von hoher Qualität anbieten zu können, dass in unsere extra leichten Edelstahlflaschen abgefüllt werden kann. Unser Ziel: Wir wollen dazu beitragen, die Verschmutzung durch Plastik zu verhindern. Know more
Befürworter der Surf-Kunststoffverwertung
Wir liefern kaputte Surfbretter und beschädigte Neoprenanzüge an Partner, die das Material wiederverwenden, statt es zu entsorgen. Know more
Benagil cave, Lagoa
Schutz des Meereslebens
Viele Sonnenschutzmittel bestehen aus umweltschädlichen Chemikalien, die Korallen und Meereslebewesen schädigen. In unserer Surfschule bieten wir unschädliche, umweltfreundliche Sonnenschutzmittel an. Know more
Gemeinsam können wir mehr bewirken
Wir glauben, dass die Welt einen Systemwandel braucht, der von verschiedenen Akteuren mitgestaltet wird. Wir wollen mit allen möglichen Organisationen zusammenarbeiten, um Initiativen mitzugestalten, die unserem Auftrag, die Meere und die Natur zu schützen, entsprechen. Know more
Surfen für alle
Wir möchten Partnerschaften mit sozialen Organisationen pflegen und Bedürftigen kostenlosen Surfunterricht anbieten. Darunter zählen Personen mit körperlichen oder kognitiven Einschränkungen, Menschen mit Suchtproblemen und Kinder ohne familiäre Unterstützung. Know more
Bordeira beach, Aljezur
Der coolste Surfer ist auch der klügste
Als Anerkennung für ihr schulisches Engagement, bekommen Schüler der örtlichen Schulen kostenlosen Surfunterricht, wenn sie nachweislich überdurchschnittliche Noten erreicht haben. Know more
Aufbau eines Gemeinschaftsbewusstseins
Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern organisieren wir regelmäßige Gespräche, Workshops und Dynamiken mit der lokalen Gemeinschaft, um das Bewusstsein für die wichtigsten globalen und lokalen Herausforderungen zu schärfen. Know more
Surfen & Umwelt
Wir haben wöchentliche Posts in Social Media, in denen Informationen sowie Initiativen von Surfern und Spielwende aus der ganzen Welt ausgetauscht werden, die sich für den Schutz der Umwelt um sie herum einsetzen. Know more
Wir alle sollten uns um die Zukunft sorgen, denn wir werden den Rest unseres Lebens dort verbringen.
Every year we donate 1% of our profits to NGOs to help them protect our planet, fight for the oceans and a fair society.
It is with great pride that Future Eco Surf School chose AIMM – Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho (Marine Environment Research Association) as one of the destinations for our annual donations from the 1% for the Planet network.
Who is AIMM
AIMM is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organization that since 2010 has been dedicated to promoting research, education and the conservation of marine species and their ecosystems.
The team works in collaboration with national and international entities, such as maritime agents, competent authorities, environmental impact companies, dolphin watching companies, other NGOs, universities, schools and public institutions. All together, they try to promote a more sustainable and safer environment for the marine megafauna found in the south of Portugal.
Why did we choose AIMM as a partner
AIMM’s work is fundamentally based on the research of the marine environment, with particular emphasis on marine megafauna, such as cetaceans, turtles and sharks. The team goes out to sea daily in order to collect data on the different species of marine megafauna that occur in the Algarve.
The association organizes educational programs with schools, organizations and other entities interested in the sea, to increase awareness and understanding of the marine environment, in order to present solutions that can reduce the human impact on the ocean. Offers also a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses, webinars and workshops accessible to everyone.
AIMM shares its scientific results with different organizations, researchers and public administration entities in order to promote effective conservation measures.
Many of these expeditions have had a positive impact on policy decisions made regarding the protection of marine life, thereby increasing the sustainability and biodiversity of the oceans.
SOMAR is a non-profit association founded in 2020 in Lagos (Portugal). Since its inception, the organization has carried out various environmental awareness actions in the Algarve, many of them with the support of municipalities and in collaboration with various public and private entities.
It stands out for being a pioneer in Portugal in the use of sound as the main environmental education tool for marine conservation. The main objective of the association is to share scientific content in accessible language so that ocean literacy can reach all audiences and environments, bringing harmony between human activities and the ocean and, thus, a bluer ocean!
Why did we choose SOMAR
The ocean is essential for human life in its various aspects: climate regulation, oxygen production, food production and transportation, among many others. Being aware of these relationships and how each person, as an individual and as a society, interacts with the ocean is fundamental for the improvement of all ecosystems on the planet.
Environmental noise, especially in aquatic environments, is a topic rarely addressed in environmental education programs. Sound in the ocean is essential for all marine life, specifically for cetaceans (whales and dolphins), it is vital for their survival, since they use sound in all spheres of their lives: communication, food, socialization, reproduction and navigation. In addition to the many threats currently faced by marine organisms (habitat loss, pollution, global warming, overfishing, etc.), noise pollution is an increasingly significant threat.
Each year, the association creates more activities, events and partnerships, enabling an ever-increasing reach of the public and, thus, advancing towards SOMAR’s mission: to reach all levels of society with environmental education, all together for a cleaner ocean and a better world.
SOMAR is part of the 1% for the Planet network as an Environmental Partner, a global network of companies, individuals and environmental organizations tackling our planet’s most pressing environmental problems.
It is getting more and more popular to use the ocean as a sort of therapy because of its healing energy. There are many emotional benefits of surfing which can help with depression.
Anxiety, burn out, sedentary lifestyle, isolation and in general to release stress from everyday life. But what are the reasons?
The color, blue:
Being near the ocean has mental health benefits as well as physical ones. Scientific research from Richard Shuster shows that just being near the color blue has led to an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace.
The sound of waves:
The sound of waves has also been proven to relax the mind. As waves come in, crash, and then recede again, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which slows down the brain and helps promote relaxation.
This process makes the part of the brain. Responsible for stress emotions shrink, while areas such as empathy and memory grow.
The challenge of surf:
Many of us fear to be challenged in life or just not being familiar with challenges. To overcome these issues a solution can be to start practicing surfing. There is no better challenge than catching a wave.
At the same time it’s also one of the most difficult things to do and from time to time can be frustrating but once you succeed the reward of being one with the wave is exceptional.
Surfing as a form of meditation:
You must have heard about the benefits of meditation or at least have an idea how it should be done.
Meditation is not just sitting in a crossed legged posture and trying to be one with the divine soul without moving but to pick up an activity that clears your mind and puts you in the present moment.
Riding a wave requires you to be fully in the present moment and focus on what you are doing , so for that time you become free of worries.
To summarize it all, surfing can definitely be a way of therapy for those who suffer from mental health issues.
We encourage you to look up the nearest surf association and let them know about your issues. Joining a group of surfers, who have similar problems than you.
This will also help to heal yourself easier and you will not feel alone.
Every year we donate 1% of our profits to NGOs to help them protect our planet, fight for the oceans and a fair society.
It is with great pride that Future Eco Surf School chose AIMM – Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho (Marine Environment Research Association) as one of the destinations for our annual donations from the 1% for the Planet network.
Who is AIMM
AIMM is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organization that since 2010 has been dedicated to promoting research, education and the conservation of marine species and their ecosystems.
The team works in collaboration with national and international entities, such as maritime agents, competent authorities, environmental impact companies, dolphin watching companies, other NGOs, universities, schools and public institutions. All together, they try to promote a more sustainable and safer environment for the marine megafauna found in the south of Portugal.
Why did we choose AIMM as a partner
AIMM’s work is fundamentally based on the research of the marine environment, with particular emphasis on marine megafauna, such as cetaceans, turtles and sharks. The team goes out to sea daily in order to collect data on the different species of marine megafauna that occur in the Algarve.
The association organizes educational programs with schools, organizations and other entities interested in the sea, to increase awareness and understanding of the marine environment, in order to present solutions that can reduce the human impact on the ocean. Offers also a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses, webinars and workshops accessible to everyone.
AIMM shares its scientific results with different organizations, researchers and public administration entities in order to promote effective conservation measures.
Many of these expeditions have had a positive impact on policy decisions made regarding the protection of marine life, thereby increasing the sustainability and biodiversity of the oceans.
SOMAR is a non-profit association founded in 2020 in Lagos (Portugal). Since its inception, the organization has carried out various environmental awareness actions in the Algarve, many of them with the support of municipalities and in collaboration with various public and private entities.
It stands out for being a pioneer in Portugal in the use of sound as the main environmental education tool for marine conservation. The main objective of the association is to share scientific content in accessible language so that ocean literacy can reach all audiences and environments, bringing harmony between human activities and the ocean and, thus, a bluer ocean!
Why did we choose SOMAR
The ocean is essential for human life in its various aspects: climate regulation, oxygen production, food production and transportation, among many others. Being aware of these relationships and how each person, as an individual and as a society, interacts with the ocean is fundamental for the improvement of all ecosystems on the planet.
Environmental noise, especially in aquatic environments, is a topic rarely addressed in environmental education programs. Sound in the ocean is essential for all marine life, specifically for cetaceans (whales and dolphins), it is vital for their survival, since they use sound in all spheres of their lives: communication, food, socialization, reproduction and navigation. In addition to the many threats currently faced by marine organisms (habitat loss, pollution, global warming, overfishing, etc.), noise pollution is an increasingly significant threat.
Each year, the association creates more activities, events and partnerships, enabling an ever-increasing reach of the public and, thus, advancing towards SOMAR’s mission: to reach all levels of society with environmental education, all together for a cleaner ocean and a better world.
SOMAR is part of the 1% for the Planet network as an Environmental Partner, a global network of companies, individuals and environmental organizations tackling our planet’s most pressing environmental problems.
It is getting more and more popular to use the ocean as a sort of therapy because of its healing energy. There are many emotional benefits of surfing which can help with depression.
Anxiety, burn out, sedentary lifestyle, isolation and in general to release stress from everyday life. But what are the reasons?
The color, blue:
Being near the ocean has mental health benefits as well as physical ones. Scientific research from Richard Shuster shows that just being near the color blue has led to an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace.
The sound of waves:
The sound of waves has also been proven to relax the mind. As waves come in, crash, and then recede again, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which slows down the brain and helps promote relaxation.
This process makes the part of the brain. Responsible for stress emotions shrink, while areas such as empathy and memory grow.
The challenge of surf:
Many of us fear to be challenged in life or just not being familiar with challenges. To overcome these issues a solution can be to start practicing surfing. There is no better challenge than catching a wave.
At the same time it’s also one of the most difficult things to do and from time to time can be frustrating but once you succeed the reward of being one with the wave is exceptional.
Surfing as a form of meditation:
You must have heard about the benefits of meditation or at least have an idea how it should be done.
Meditation is not just sitting in a crossed legged posture and trying to be one with the divine soul without moving but to pick up an activity that clears your mind and puts you in the present moment.
Riding a wave requires you to be fully in the present moment and focus on what you are doing , so for that time you become free of worries.
To summarize it all, surfing can definitely be a way of therapy for those who suffer from mental health issues.
We encourage you to look up the nearest surf association and let them know about your issues. Joining a group of surfers, who have similar problems than you.
This will also help to heal yourself easier and you will not feel alone.
Every year we donate 1% of our profits to NGOs to help them protect our planet, fight for the oceans and a fair society.
It is with great pride that Future Eco Surf School chose AIMM – Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho (Marine Environment Research Association) as one of the destinations for our annual donations from the 1% for the Planet network.
Who is AIMM
AIMM is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organization that since 2010 has been dedicated to promoting research, education and the conservation of marine species and their ecosystems.
The team works in collaboration with national and international entities, such as maritime agents, competent authorities, environmental impact companies, dolphin watching companies, other NGOs, universities, schools and public institutions. All together, they try to promote a more sustainable and safer environment for the marine megafauna found in the south of Portugal.
Why did we choose AIMM as a partner
AIMM’s work is fundamentally based on the research of the marine environment, with particular emphasis on marine megafauna, such as cetaceans, turtles and sharks. The team goes out to sea daily in order to collect data on the different species of marine megafauna that occur in the Algarve.
The association organizes educational programs with schools, organizations and other entities interested in the sea, to increase awareness and understanding of the marine environment, in order to present solutions that can reduce the human impact on the ocean. Offers also a wide variety of theoretical and practical courses, webinars and workshops accessible to everyone.
AIMM shares its scientific results with different organizations, researchers and public administration entities in order to promote effective conservation measures.
Many of these expeditions have had a positive impact on policy decisions made regarding the protection of marine life, thereby increasing the sustainability and biodiversity of the oceans.
SOMAR is a non-profit association founded in 2020 in Lagos (Portugal). Since its inception, the organization has carried out various environmental awareness actions in the Algarve, many of them with the support of municipalities and in collaboration with various public and private entities.
It stands out for being a pioneer in Portugal in the use of sound as the main environmental education tool for marine conservation. The main objective of the association is to share scientific content in accessible language so that ocean literacy can reach all audiences and environments, bringing harmony between human activities and the ocean and, thus, a bluer ocean!
Why did we choose SOMAR
The ocean is essential for human life in its various aspects: climate regulation, oxygen production, food production and transportation, among many others. Being aware of these relationships and how each person, as an individual and as a society, interacts with the ocean is fundamental for the improvement of all ecosystems on the planet.
Environmental noise, especially in aquatic environments, is a topic rarely addressed in environmental education programs. Sound in the ocean is essential for all marine life, specifically for cetaceans (whales and dolphins), it is vital for their survival, since they use sound in all spheres of their lives: communication, food, socialization, reproduction and navigation. In addition to the many threats currently faced by marine organisms (habitat loss, pollution, global warming, overfishing, etc.), noise pollution is an increasingly significant threat.
Each year, the association creates more activities, events and partnerships, enabling an ever-increasing reach of the public and, thus, advancing towards SOMAR’s mission: to reach all levels of society with environmental education, all together for a cleaner ocean and a better world.
SOMAR is part of the 1% for the Planet network as an Environmental Partner, a global network of companies, individuals and environmental organizations tackling our planet’s most pressing environmental problems.
It is getting more and more popular to use the ocean as a sort of therapy because of its healing energy. There are many emotional benefits of surfing which can help with depression.
Anxiety, burn out, sedentary lifestyle, isolation and in general to release stress from everyday life. But what are the reasons?
The color, blue:
Being near the ocean has mental health benefits as well as physical ones. Scientific research from Richard Shuster shows that just being near the color blue has led to an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace.
The sound of waves:
The sound of waves has also been proven to relax the mind. As waves come in, crash, and then recede again, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which slows down the brain and helps promote relaxation.
This process makes the part of the brain. Responsible for stress emotions shrink, while areas such as empathy and memory grow.
The challenge of surf:
Many of us fear to be challenged in life or just not being familiar with challenges. To overcome these issues a solution can be to start practicing surfing. There is no better challenge than catching a wave.
At the same time it’s also one of the most difficult things to do and from time to time can be frustrating but once you succeed the reward of being one with the wave is exceptional.
Surfing as a form of meditation:
You must have heard about the benefits of meditation or at least have an idea how it should be done.
Meditation is not just sitting in a crossed legged posture and trying to be one with the divine soul without moving but to pick up an activity that clears your mind and puts you in the present moment.
Riding a wave requires you to be fully in the present moment and focus on what you are doing , so for that time you become free of worries.
To summarize it all, surfing can definitely be a way of therapy for those who suffer from mental health issues.
We encourage you to look up the nearest surf association and let them know about your issues. Joining a group of surfers, who have similar problems than you.
This will also help to heal yourself easier and you will not feel alone.